Hopefully by now, you will know that the gospels tell the resurrection differently. In John's gospel, I want to focus the Resurrection Sunday reflection on Mary Magdalene and on the message, Jesus entrusts to her.
Faithful Mary arrives at the tomb early, while it was dark. Did she sleep at all? What was she feeling and thinking as she approached the tomb? We can only wonder. We can only wonder what she made of an empty tomb with a stone rolled away! Here, I want to pause. Did she think his body had been mistreated ... yet another deprivation to Jesus in death as well as in life? I doubt she thought Jesus had risen from the dead.
So, we can forgive Mary's total confusion and admire her sticking around when the men have returned to their homes. As is so often the case, women take a central role in pivotal moments, and she meets Jesus and he entrusts to Mary, the wonderful news he is alive and that:
"I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God"
This glorious message includes the disciples, you and I, his siblings, in the family and life of God. It echoes in John 14, 'Uesus] I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also.' What a glorious home coming that will be. Take time to reflect on the beauty of this. Alleluia! Christ is risen! Happy Easter!