Our Rector, Philip, was brought up in a non-liturgical church that did little to mark the seasons in the Christian calendar. "One of the most unexpected gifts I found within the Anglican tradition," Philip says, "has been the seasons and especially Holy Week.  Rather than just going Sunday to Sunday, we were taking time to journey with Jesus between his entry into Jerusalem and his crucifixion.  It transformed the relatability of Jesus for me and also brought a good measure of personal healing."

Monday - Wednesday
8AM     Morning Prayer (online)
9PM     Compline - Night Prayer (online)

Maundy Thursday
8AM     Morning Prayer (online)
11AM   Mid-week Eucharist
7PM     Washing of Feet, Eucharist, Stripping of Altar
9PM     Compline - Night Prayer (online)

Good Friday
12pm  Meditation at the Cross
7pm    Tenebrae - Service of the Shadows

7PM    Easter Vigil & First Easter Eucharist